Meeting with the World Bank Team on Property Valuation Infrastructure.
The Financial Institutions Association of Bhutan (FIAB) hosted the World Bank Mission for the meeting on Property valuation infrastructure on April 19, 2024.
The President of the FIAB, Mr. Pema Tshering met with the World Bank Team lead by Mr. Mika Petteri Torhonen, Global Lead of Land, World Bank. The meeting discussed on the current status of the Property Valuers and valuation services in the Financial Sector.
The Ministry of Finance through the project on “Disaster Resilience Development Policy Credit with a Catastrophe Deferred Drawdown Option” funded by the World Bank will be providing a training course on property valuation to the officials of both the Government and Private Sector including the Financial Sector.
The Universiti Teknologi Malaysia has been tasked to provide the property valuation training course. Subsequently Property valuation Standards for Bhutan will also be developed. The President of FIAB suggested that there should be at least two Property Valuation Agency in Bhutan in the near future to provide property valuation services.