
The main objectives to be pursued by of the Association are to:

  1. Represent issues of common interest of banking, pension, insurance, reinsurance, fund management, and any other interest of the member institutes;
  2. Promote and develop sound and progressive banking, financial and insurance (BFI) principles, practices, conventions and to contribute to the development of creative BFI industry;
  3. Coordinate and cooperate on procedural, legal, technical, administrative or professional issues and practices of BFI industry;
  4. Develop and implement creative and innovative ideas in BFI services, operations and procedures;
  5. Promote harmonious personnel relations in BFI industry and devise ways and means for involving BFI personnel in the endeavors of BFI for growth and development of BFI sector and the economy of the country;
  6. Act as a clearinghouse for dissemination and exchange of statistical data, information, views and opinions on the systems, procedures and practices, and organization and methods of BFI and on the structure, working and operations of the BFI System;
  7. Provide the basis for the sector’s engagement with the stakeholders;
  8. Provide regulatory and policy feedbacks to the regulators;
  9. Contribute towards strengthening corporate social responsibility in the society;
  10. Any other objectives that may be adopted by the Association from time to time;